About Noël Kingsley

Noël Kingsley is a very experienced Alexander Technique teacher with a passion for continuing the highest quality of hands-on work established by FM Alexander the originator of the technique.

Having been introduced to the Alexander Technique in 1972 he has used the technique for over 48 years. He was trained as a professional teacher of the technique in the late 80’s by Walter Carrington, himself a protégé of the founder, F M Alexander. Noël gives Alexander lessons in his home town in Beaminster, Dorset. He previously had an extremely busy full-time practice in London W1 with an international clientele, for over 25 years.

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Noël has been in regular demand over the last three decades by the press for feature articles demonstrating and explaining the technique in simple and easy to understand terms and how it helps overcome postural problems such as back pain, neck tension and stress. He has appeared on TV and has worked with many celebrity and high profile clients. He is the author of ‘Free Yourself from Back Pain – A guide to the Alexander Technique’ published by Kyle Kathie Ltd and ‘Perfect Poise, Perfect Life’ published by Hodder & Stoughton.’

Alexander Technique lessons with Noël are not only relaxing, but energising and informative. With his lifetime’s experience of using the technique and with the strength and power of his authentic hands-on work, along with his exceptionally clear explanations, pupils get the best chance of making changes quickly and effectively to their posture, co-ordination and balance. The potential of what may be achieved by a course of lessons is clearly demonstrated in an initial Introductory Session and anyone interested in having Alexander Technique lessons from Noël Kingsley is strongly recommended to arrange one.

Noël and Miranda’s Alexander practice provides a relaxed, comfortable and calm environment in which to benefit from Alexander Technique lessons. Their work is specific for the individual and complete confidentiality is assured.

Noël gives Alexander Technique lessons in Beaminster, Dorset.

Noël Kingsley is a registered Member of The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, the largest governing body of the Alexander Technique worldwide.

  • 3 St Mary Well Street, Beaminster, Dorset, DT8 3BB
  • 07968 389762


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